Jackson Corvette Club
The Jackson Corvette Club was founded in 1961 by a few Corvette enthusiasts of Jackson, Michigan for the main purpose of sharing a common interest - owning and driving one of the most popular sports cars produced.
Regular Business Meetings
The Club holds a business meeting on the first Wednesday of every month at 6:30 pm at Art Moehn Chevrolet located at 2200 Seymour Road in Jackson. After the meeting we go to a local restaurant for dinner or snacks and to socialize. On the third Wednesday of each month we have a social dinner at a local restaurant. We meet for this dinner at 6:30 PM
We enjoy a number of Club and Corvette related activities throughout the year - dinner meetings, a spring Corvette cruise, downtown cruise-ins, picnics, local and regional car shows, participation in area parades, bowling matches with a neighboring Corvette club and more. We also hold an annual awards banquet.
For the racing enthusiast
During the summer and fall there are road races, time trials, fun-khanas and drag races sponsored by various clubs affiliated with the National Council of Corvette Clubs (NCCC).
The Club's newsletter, "Vette Views", is published 11 times a year to keep members informed of Club activities and other events taking place in the Michigan Region.
Club membership is made up of Corvette owners, 18 years and older.
Joining the Jackson Corvette Club
Prospective new members are required to attend a minimum of three Club meetings, or equivalent participation, before being accepted into the Club. Annual membership dues are $45 for a primary membership and $60 for primary with an associate membership (spouse or significant other). The dues also include annual membership in the National Council of Corvette Clubs (NCCC).
Contact Information
P.O. BOX 6363
Jackson, Michigan, 49204